Customer Spotlight – Cobalt Truck Equipment

The entrepreneurial spirit is as important to Sage Oil Vac as it is to one of its most successful dealers, Cobalt Truck Equipment.
Just two years after Gary Sage founded Sage Oil Vac in 1993, Dan Duncan, President and owner of Cobalt Truck Equipment, opened shop in Idaho. Today, both companies are thriving and working together to bring the best products to customers within the construction, utility and heavy equipment industries.
“Cobalt’s introduction to Sage Oil Vac started with our interest and the needs of our customers for servicing wind equipment,” said Cobalt Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Paul Bedke. “Once the relationship developed, we discovered Sage met even more of our customers’ needs outside of wind power.”
Cobalt Truck Equipment works from four locations across the U.S. to provide customers with quality mechanics trucks, lube trucks, utility bodies, platforms, vans and more.
“Cobalt customers that use Sage products have been very pleased with the performance and efficiency of the Sage design,” Bedke said. “One customer in particular has converted all of their truck specifications to include the Sage waste oil system.”
Sage has provided on-site training to all four Cobalt locations (Nampa, Idaho; Spokane, Washington; Las Vegas, Nevada; and San Antonio, Texas). In addition, Sage sales representatives have participated in multiple trade shows and events with the Cobalt sales team.
“The lube trailers are some of the more popular items for our sales reps,” Bedke said. “The trailers provide diversity with our customers and their service trucks without the large investment of a dedicated lube truck.”
Cobalt currently offers the entire Sage Oil Vac product line.
“Sage is a good company with a long history in the vacuum-operated lube equipment business,” Bedke said. “They are very responsive to customer demands and do their best to provide a solution to meet those needs.”
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